Thursday, September 16, 2010

Orthotics - Week 1

I have had my new custom made orthotics for a week now, so it is probably time for an update on my progress... well, I ran on Friday, Sunday, Tuesday and today (Thursday) and I am still pain free! It is great to be back running again!

I have kept to my plan of doing short runs (1.3 miles, 1.3 miles, 1.3 miles and 1.45 miles) and stretching extensively before and after each run, and so far, it appears to be working. I also added my upper body workout to my run warm up routine.

I did noticed a bruise had appeared on my shin on Saturday evening but it went away after a couple of days and I can only assume that I picked it up whilst volunteering at the 5K on Saturday. Other than that, I haven't had any calf or knee pain and have been able to run, walk and exercise without any discomfort.

All of my runs have been in my New Balances and I have been wearing my Nike Free's for all other outside activities (I am bare-foot when indoors). My orthotics are cushioned and comfortable, however, I have noticed that my foot sits further forward in my shoe, with my toes closer to the end. My toes aren't right up against the end, but they are much closer than they would have been without the orthotic. This seems to suggest that the arch placement in the orthotic is slightly further forward than where the shoe was designed for it to be. This isn't an issue so far, but it is possible that I might need a bigger shoe in future.

On non-running days I have been either cycling or swimming as well as doing my foot strengthening exercises and my core workout.

I am going to increase the length of my run to 2 miles starting on Saturday and see how that goes - hopefully I will be able to get through another 4 runs (every other day) without any issues!

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