I decided to drop my tempo run and move my long run to Thursday. I feel that my long run is my most important run of the week and I really want to make sure I get it in every week, so it was either my tempo run or speed run that would have to make way for the Second Empire Classic 5K on Sunday. I decided that as the tempo run was only a 5 mile run at a relatively slow pace, I thought it would be the best one to drop.
I went to the track on Tuesday evening and had my first attempt at 5 x 1000m. I needed to run each interval in 4:08 (which works out to approximately 6:40/mile) which seems to be the perfect pace as it the last two intervals were really tough but I recovered quickly each time. I was really pleased with the workout and even did a couple of intervals running anti-clockwise around the track. As far as I can remember, I have always run the traditional way around the track (clockwise) which is all left turns, so I thought it would be fun to throw in some right turns for a change!
My calf guards, cold baths and compression socks have been working great and on Thursday afternoon my legs felt refreshed and ready to attempt another long run. The weather has been getting warmer and warmer in NC and my work schedule meant I couldn't get out early in the morning to run before the temperature got high. At 1:30pm on Thursday, the sun was out and the temperature was in the low 80s (26C). I hydrated during the morning and ran with my hat to help keep the sweat out of my eyes. Luckily, most of my trail run is in the shade which protected me from the sun, but the heat still made the easy run feel harder.
The first four miles of my run felt fine and I prepared to take my first GU. I had packed three GUs in to the back pocket of my fuel belt which proved to be a bad idea! I guess having three GUs crammed in the small pocket up against my back had generated some heat, and now the GUs had got warm. Warm GU is not good... I washed it down with cool water, but it took less than 5 minutes for my stomach to get upset. I decided to try to run through the discomfort as it would be a good experiment to see whether it would go away if I continued running.
The discomfort came and went a few times over the next 4 miles but by the time I got to mile 11, the discomfort was at its worst and I decided that there was no way I would make it through another 3 miles. I ended my run and within a few minutes the discomfort was manageable again and I managed to make it to the restrooms at Shelley Lake safely!
I now know that I can't cram 3 GUs in the fuel belt pocket, so I need to come up with a different way to carry more than 2 GUs when I need to.
I rested until the Second Empire Classic 5K on Sunday afternoon. It was 93 degrees at race time which is the hottest that I have ever attempted to run in (or do anything other than lay on a beach!). I had set an aggressive target of running 7:10/mile and ran through the first mile with Kristin in 7:06. I used my hand-held water bottle to ensure that I had access to water whenever I wanted in the hope of being able to regulate my body temperature. The second mile was slightly up hill and we passed the 2 mile marker with a 7:26 split. I dumped a cup of water over my head and continued to sip from my water bottle, but I could feel my body temperature rising and rising.

At 2.5 miles I hit my limit and had to stop and walk. I took on the remaining water in my bottle and took 30 seconds to allow my heart rate to drop and my body to cool a little. I started to run again and managed to complete the remaining distance for a final time of 23:20.

I am not overly worried about having to stop and walk in this race. The conditions were the most extreme that I have ever exercised in and I have very little tolerance for high temperatures at the moment. I remember that during my training last summer I become more and more comfortable as the weeks went by with exercising in the warmer weather, and I just haven't had enough time yet to build up my tolerance.
Next week will be a typical training week with my three main runs and no extra races.
Plan: 10-20 min warm up, 5 x 1000m (4:08) (400m RI), 10 min cool down
Actual (Tuesday @ 7pm, 70F, sunny): 1600m warm up, 5 x 1000m (4:05, 4:06, 4:08, 4:08, 4:10) 1000m cool down.
Plan: 7 mile run: 1 mile easy (8:57/mile), 5 miles @ long tempo (7.52/mile), 1 mile easy
Actual: None
Plan: 14 miles @ Marathon Pace + 45 (8:55/mile)
Actual (Thursday @1:30pm, 80F, sunny): 11 miles @ 8:45/mile: Click here for Map/Splits
Plan: Second Empire Classic 5K
Actual: Second Empire Classic 5K - 23:20 - Click here for Map/Splits
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