Monday, April 25, 2011

Marathon Change!

I have decided to run the City of Oaks Marathon here in Raleigh this year instead of the Marine Corps. Marathon in DC. There were a number of factors that influenced my decision, but the main ones were:

Cost: A full weekend in DC including hotels, food and gas for the 600 mile round trip would have been very expensive.

Number of runners: I enjoy smaller races much more than large races with lots of runners. Not only is it more enjoyable during the race (there are 35000 runners in the Marine Corps Marathon), but the start of the race is easier to get to and more relaxed in smaller races. I'd need to take a bus/taxi hours before the start in DC and most likely not get to see Elizabeth and Jack before the race, but in Raleigh I can drive from my house and park at the start.

Chance to train on the course: The City of Oaks has some tough hilly portions in Umstead which I will be able to train on in the months before the race. I seem to run better, more relaxed races on courses that I know and having trained on the harder portions of the course (which are in the 20-24 mile range) should help me get through them on race day.

I have 27 weeks to go until the City of Oaks Marathon and I plan to gradually increase my weekly mileage over the next 9 weeks and then start an 18 week training plan.

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